
Hallo Malaysiaboy!

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Liebe Grüße und auf gute Zusammenarbeit, Impériale (Diskussion) 10:55, 2. Nov. 2014 (MEZ)Beantworten

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hi, do you add translations which generate two different words or is it one translation and 1 is the english version and 2 the malajan? I mean here: *Malaiisch: [1] Mac ? → ms, مچ ? → ms - I have added the ? which means I ask someone to look over the change. If all is just one it should have a form like *Armenisch: [1] մարտ (mart) → hy thanks for answering --Susann Schweden (Diskussion) 20:28, 19. Mär. 2015 (MEZ)Beantworten

Hello. First of all, sorry for the late reply. Anyway, it's the same thing but the script is different. It's not a transliteration either. For example, the Serbo-Croatian language has 2 script that is Cyrillic and Roman. For example, en:March#Translations. --Malaysiaboy (Diskussion) 05:36, 22. Mär. 2015 (MEZ)Beantworten



hi again :) I have done some changes in Mac. Just those which are necessary. Have a look and I would be honoured if you did likewise in the future ! mlg (love) --Susann Schweden (Diskussion) 21:20, 19. Mär. 2015 (MEZ)Beantworten

Kk. Thanks a lot! I'll use this for reference if I create any new entries later. --Malaysiaboy (Diskussion) 05:40, 22. Mär. 2015 (MEZ)Beantworten

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hi, this isn't at all how an article should look like. Please get aquainted with our standards and do some more homework on your contribution. Thanks! I say this so directly because you seem to storm ahead without communicating or asking for help. --Susann Schweden (Diskussion) 20:37, 20. Mär. 2015 (MEZ)Beantworten

Btw, it's an entry or lemma not article. Anyway, sorry if my entries I made didn't met your criteria. I created it based on my previous edits and no one corrected it. I assume that I did it right. So do please correct me again if I did something wrong again in the future. P/S I'll be inactive for a few months because I'll be at a boarding school. --Malaysiaboy (Diskussion) 05:40, 22. Mär. 2015 (MEZ)Beantworten
thanks for your answers :) There are not so very many people in our wiktionary who correct en entry as soon as it appears. So if you take your time and look around you will lear a lot that helps you to create entries. But as I have begun to write here - I will have an eye on it and assist, if you like. Have a good time in your school! Vi ses mlg --Susann Schweden (Diskussion) 10:02, 22. Mär. 2015 (MEZ)--Susann Schweden (Diskussion) 10:02, 22. Mär. 2015 (MEZ)Beantworten