
[1] Ausbildung, VK: Abkürzung für Junior Common Room
[2] Java, Software: Abkürzung für Java Content Repository


[1] „A JCR is a type of object database tailored to storing, searching, and retrieving hierarchical data. The JCR API grew out of the needs of content management systems, which require storing documents and other binary objects with associated metadata; however, the API is applicable to many additional types of applications. In addition to object storage, the JCR provides: APIs for versioning of data; transactions; observation of changes in data; and import or export of data to XML in a standard way.“[1]


[1] Englischer Wikipedia-Artikel „JCR
[1] „JCR


  1. Content repository API for Java. Wikipedia, 5. August 2014, archiviert vom Original am 5. August 2014 abgerufen am 21. Oktober 2014 (HTML, Deutsch).