timestep (Englisch) Bearbeiten

Substantiv Bearbeiten



the timestep

the timesteps

Alternative Schreibweisen:

time step


time·step, Plural: time·steps


IPA: [ˈtaɪmˌstɛp], Plural: [ˈtaɪmˌstɛps]
Hörbeispiele: —, Plural:


[1] Zeitintervall


Determinativkompositum der Substantive „time“ und „step


[1] „Gipps’ model is a car-following model named after Peter G. Gipps who developed it in the late-1970s under S.R.C. grants at the Transport Operations Research Group at the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and the Transport Studies Group at the University College London. It is based directly on driver behavior and expectancy for vehicles in a stream of traffic. Limitations on driver and vehicle parameters for safety purposes mimic the traits of vehicles following vehicles in the front of the traffic stream. Gipps' model is differentiated by other models in that Gipps uses a timestep within the function equal to \tau to reduce the computation required for numerical analysis.“[1]

Übersetzungen Bearbeiten

[1] PONS Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „timestep
[1] LEO Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „timestep


  1. Gipps' model. Englische Wikipedia, 30. Januar 2014, archiviert vom Original am 30. Januar 2014 abgerufen am 6. März 2014 (HTML, Englisch).