Zeitform Person Wortform
simple present I, you, they carnalize
he, she, it carnalizes
simple past   carnalized
present participle   carnalizing
past participle   carnalized


carnalize, Partizip Perfekt: carnalized, Partizip Präsens: carnaliz·ing


IPA: []


[1] die Einstellung/ moralische Vorstellung entwickelt sich in Richtung wachsender fleischlicher Lust


[1] "Nay, they carnalize more than evangelize the whole community."[1]
[1] "It has carnalized and secularized the church more than any other innovation since the first defection ia Christianity."[2]
[1] "The blind and carnalized Jews were the only persons who took our Saviour's words, when he told them that they must eat his flesh and drink his blood, in a literal sense; though our Saviour expressly convinced them of the impossibility of such a thing, by observing on the occasion, that they should see him ascend into heaven."[3]


[1] Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary „carnalize
[1] Dictionary.com Englisch-Englisches Wörterbuch, Thesaurus und Enzyklopädie „carnalize


  1. William Kimbrough Pendleton: The Millennial Harbinger. 3, W.K. Pendleton, 1849, Seite 544
  2. Alexander Campbell: Infant sprinkling proved to be a human tradition. J. Wilson, 1820, Seite 185
  3. Charles Daubeny: Discourses on several subjects, addressed to the congregation assembled in Christ Church, Bath. 1816, Seite 442