Wiktionary Diskussion:Hauptseite/Archiv/2008/05
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New look on the Hauptseite
Sorry, my german just isn't good enough. Just wanted to ask if there were any interest in updating the homepage. I like the en.wiktionary look a lot. With a quick google translation, it might look like this. --Steinninn 02:22, 10. Mai 2008 (CEST)
- Actually, we do like our homepage like it is ;-) --- Greetings, Melancholie 02:56, 11. Mai 2008 (CEST)
- We or you? --Steinninn 21:49, 11. Mai 2008 (CEST)
- It was not designed by me, so we ;-) --- Best regards, Melancholie 00:20, 12. Mai 2008 (CEST)
- I'm sorry, I just can't say how you can speak for the entire german wiktionary community. In a way, I'm also part of it, and you sure aren't talking in my behalf. I just remember reading somewhere that it's a good rule to always speak on behalf of myself. But I understand what you mean. --Steinninn 03:56, 12. Mai 2008 (CEST)
- It was not designed by me, so we ;-) --- Best regards, Melancholie 00:20, 12. Mai 2008 (CEST)
- We or you? --Steinninn 21:49, 11. Mai 2008 (CEST)
My statement is based on the fact that nobody of the deWiktionary community has asked for a design change of our Main_Page since this design is live (for years now). And anyone else wanting to request a change could get into this discussion... I did not say no, I just wanted to tell you that we are happy with our design; believe me. --- With very best regards, Melancholie 04:09, 12. Mai 2008 (CEST)
Hoi Steinninn, actually, I like the enwikt mainpage layout better than ours, however, in my opinion, it's not a great idea to simply copy it from another Wiki, particularly to avoid confusion among visitors. In terms of contents, dewikt pretty much differs from enwikt (as in quantity requirements for entries), and aside from that, there are huge differences in what concerns the strucutre as a whole (entries look quite different etc.), so it's maybe a good idea to make the mainpage reflect that difference in some way. What I would appreciate, though, is a review of the contents of our mainpage. There are some things like the "Jeder ist herzlich eingeladen mitzuhelfen – eine Übersicht" box that are, from my point of view, partly confusing; other items on the page could—in the interest of making the page shorter and thus giving newbies an easier start—possibly be moved to Wiktionary:Portal, a page designed for authors and unfortunately totally abandoned over the years and barely helpful at the moment. Regards, —Pill (Kontakt) 11:03, 19. Mai 2008 (CEST)
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