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--Lars Gardenius diskurs 16:18, 14. Jun 2013 (MESZ)

The content of this page will be translated into German when finished.

This administrator has tried to deprive a user of his rights by starting a reelection process based on false accusations fabricated by the user:Betterknower.

Even though it is clearly proven that these allegations are false this administrator has choosen to try and deprive the user of his rights.
These kind of actions are in direct conflict with the Wiki-idea and a democratic organisation.

This administrator throws accusations around him at other users, see e.g. the Teestube and in Wiktionary:Adminkandidaturen, without giving any kind of proofs.

This administrator first attack users with degrading remarks and then try to stop them from defending themselves, see e.g.Wiktionary:Adminkandidaturen

This administrator choses to block another administrator when he has no arguments left.

This administrator answers no questions to explain his behaviour. All his actions reflects a picture of a user, who believes he does not have to follow the same rules as all other users.

This user repeatedly manipulates text on other users user page.