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on the job


on the job


IPA: []
Hörbeispiele:   on the job (australisch) (Info)


[1] während der Arbeitszeit, bei der Arbeit, am Arbeitsplatz; arbeitend
[2] (übertragen, besonders amerikanisch:) aufmerksam


[1] on-the-job
[2] on the ball

Sinnverwandte Wörter:

[2] on it, on top of it


[1] He qualified for disability insurance because the accident occurred while he was on the job.
[1] She received on the job training.
[1] They were on the job seven days a week, from the crack of dawn until dusk, in steaming tropics where the thermometer climbed to 140 degrees in the sun. And they finished the job on time.[1]
[2] Within the school district, the incident outraged some parents, while others were either indifferent or actually relieved that the local police were on the job against drugs.[2]


[1, 2] dict.cc Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „on+the+job
[2] Dictionary.com Englisch-Englisches Wörterbuch, Thesaurus und Enzyklopädie „on the job
[2] The Free Dictionary on the job


  1. Seabees can do it (Januar 1944), in Popular Science, 144. Band, 1. Ausgabe, Seite 55
  2. James Fisher, Swat Madness and the Militarization of the American Police (2010), Seite 125