foresyllable (Englisch)



the foresyllable

the foresyllables


fore·syl·la·ble, Plural: fore·syl·la·bles


IPA: [fɔːˈsɪləbl̩], Plural: [fɔːˈsɪləbl̩z]


[1] eine Silbe, die vor dem Wortstamm steht: Vorsilbe


[1] prefix


[1] “We had several things beginning with the same foresyllable.[1]
[1] “The ‘ kar ’ is the same foresyllable that runs in Carthage and means a high place.”[2]
[1] “Kaziol (1937), for example, distinguishes between ‘compounds with foresyllables’ (i.e., prefixes) and ‘derivatives with postsyllables’ (i.e., suffixes).”[3]
[1] “[B]efore ‘a,’ ‘o,’ ‘u,’ either simple vowels, or combined in diphthongs, as cankard, cautele, concord, coward, cunning, or when it ends a foresyllable before any other consonant as ‘c’ ‘q’ ‘k’ ‘t’ as in succede, acquaint, acknowledge, expecting.”[4]
[1] „*Does any language have postsyllables? I could only Google one instance of this term. It was synonymous with 'suffix' and its antonym was foresyllables (prefixes).“[5]




  1. ‹Titel nicht einsehbar›. In: Notes and Queries. A Medium of Intercommunication for Literary Men, General Readers etc. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1902, Seite 232 (Zitiert nach Google Books).
  2. Keith Clark: The Spell of Spain. Page Company, Boston 1914, Seite 132 (Zitiert nach Google Books).
  3. Pavol Štekauer: English Word Formation. A History of Research (1960–1995). Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen 2000, ISBN 3-8233-5210-5, Seite 43, Fußnote 10 (Zitiert nach Google Books).
  4. Vivian Cook: Accomodating Brocolli in the Cemetary. Or why can’t anybody spell?. TOUCHSTONE, New York 2004, ISBN 0-7432-8999-4, Seite 57 (Zitiert nach Google Books).
    Die Kursivsetzung des Originalsatzes wurde nicht übernommen.
  5. THE ORIGINS OF POLISH Ę AND Ą. Abgerufen am 9. Mai 2016.