Zeitform Person Wortform
simple present I, you, they adulterate
he, she, it adulterates
simple past   adulterated
present participle   adulterating
past participle   adulterated


a·dul·ter·ate, Partizip Perfekt: a·dul·ter·at·ed, Partizip Präsens: a·dul·ter·at·ing


IPA britisch: [əˈdʌltəreɪt], Partizip Perfekt: [əˈdʌltəreɪtɪd], Partizip Präsens: [əˈdʌltəreɪtɪŋ]
IPA US-amerikanisch: [əˈdʌltəˌreɪt], Partizip Perfekt: [əˈdʌltəˌreɪtɪd], Partizip Präsens: [əˈdʌltəˌreɪtɪŋ]
Hörbeispiele:   adulterate (US-amerikanisch) (Info), Partizip Perfekt: —, Partizip Präsens:


[1] fälschen, panschen, verschneiden, verfälschen
[2] kontaminieren, verunreinigen


[1] dilute, weaken
[2] contaminate


[1] enrich, strenghten


[1] "In all cases where a trace of copper salt had been used to adulterate the fresh lubricant, tackiness was to be noted in the course of a short period (a week upwards) after the rubber was dry."[1]
[2] "The microscopy of coffee is, on the whole, more important to the planter than to the consumer and the dealer; while, on the other hand, the microscopy is of paramount importance to the consumer and the dealer as furnishing the best means of determining whether the product offered is adulterated or not."[2]


adulteration, adulterator


[1] Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary „adulterate
[1] Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus „adulterate
[1] Dictionary.com Englisch-Englisches Wörterbuch, Thesaurus und Enzyklopädie „adulterate
[1] PONS Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „adulterate
[1] dict.cc Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „adulterate
[1] LEO Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „adulterate
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  1. Sidney Morgan: The Preparation of Plantation Rubber. In: Project Gutenberg eBook. Teil IV: The Finished Rubber, Kapitel XVII: Defects In Crepe Rubbers (URL).
  2. William H. Ukers: All About Coffee. In: Project Gutenberg eBook. Kapitel XVI: The Microscopy of the Coffee Fruit (URL).